Parenting is difficult, even in an intact marriage. So when a marriage ends and you’re faced with having to parent with someone you don’t respect, trust, or may not even like – it can seem impossible. Just as parenting probably didn’t come naturally (at least not at first), neither does co-parenting. Among other things, successful co-parenting involves open communication and a level of respect for the other parent, two things many divorced parents simply don’t have. The prevailing view amongst child professionals who are familiar with divorce is that (1) a stable, loving relationship with each …Read More
Child Custody
5 Reasons Why a Parenting Coordinator Might Be a Good Idea
If you and your ex are still fighting after a custody order has been entered, the fighting is likely having a negative impact on you and your family. There are several valid reasons why a great deal of conflict might linger, even though your case has been resolved. Maybe there are residual trust or anger issues. Maybe there are too many scars from past physical or mental abuse. Perhaps your former spouse has a personality disorder and is simply impossible to make decisions with. Whatever the reason, North Carolina legislators have recognized that certain kinds of custody cases require extra …Read More